Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é is committed to understanding the causes of our Gender Pay Gap, to continuing to ensure our employees receive equal pay for equal value, and to developing a strategic response to reduce our gender pay gap. Further information is provided in our Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 and our action plan to address the gender pay gap is included in our current Athena Swan action plan (published below).
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é's 2023 gender pay gap data are presented below:
- Mean Hourly Pay Gap: 20.8%
- Median Hourly Pay Gap: 18.2%
- Mean Bonus Pay Gap: 2.8%
- Median Bonus Pay Gap: -28.2%
The proportion of Women receiving bonus pay: 5.3%
The proportion of Men receiving bonus pay: 3.4%
The proportion of staff in four equal pay quartiles:
- Lower quartile: Women: 71.9%; Men: 28.1%
- Lower middle quartile: Women: 57.8%; Men: 42.2%
- Upper middle quartile: Women: 54.8%; Men: 45.2%
- Upper quartile: Women: 36.6%; Men: 63.4%
Follow the red button below to access the 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report, published 25th March 2023.
Previous years' gender pay gap reports, EDI Objectives Statements, and other resources are available by emailing our EDI Team at edi@lancaster.ac.uk.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023