Athena Swan

The Athena Swan Charter is a higher education programme for the advancement of gender equality. We have been members of the Athena Swan Charter since 2008, achieving awards at university, faculty and departmental level.

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What is the Athena Swan Charter?

Advance HE's Athena Swan Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise the commitment to advancing the careers of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research.

In May 2015, the Charter was expanded and to recognise work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression affecting women.

It covers:

  • Academic roles in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine (STEMM)
  • Academic roles in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law (AHSSBL)
  • Professional and support staff
  • Trans staff and students

In relation to their:

  • Representation
  • Progression of students into academia
  • Journey through career milestones
  • Working environment for all staff

In 2021, following the recommendations made in the Independent review, led by the Athena Swan Steering Group, Advance HE published the . This framework was developed in consultation with the sector practitioners and specialist sub-groups overseen by the .

The transformed UK Athena Swan Charter has enhanced systems and processes to ensure it is fit for the future of the higher education sector.

To find out more about the transformed UK Athena Swan Charter you can from Advance HE.

Awards at Lancaster

As well as our Institutional Athena Swan Bronze award, Lancaster is very proud to have achieved Athena Swan awards in all our Departments or Faculties, recognising our commitment to advancing gender equality within higher education and research.

Athena Swan bronze logo

Athena Swan Institutional Bronze Award

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é has held an institutional level Bronze award since 2008, with renewals in 2012, 2014 and 2019.

Supporting our most recent award is a comprehensive action plan: LU Athena Swan Bronze Action Plan‌.

The action plan is organised into six Work Packages, each championed by a senior leader, with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor championing two areas:

  • EDI Culture: Professor Andy Schofield, Vice-Chancellor
  • Gender Pay Gap and Academic Career Pipeline and Transition Points: Professor Rebecca Lingwood, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Academic Fixed-Term and Casual Staff: Dr Odette Dewhurst, Senior Research Development Manager
  • Maternity, Family Leave, Caring responsibilities, Childcare Provision and Flexible Working: Professor Sarah Kemp, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)
  • Professional Services Career Progression: Nicola Owen, Deputy Chief Executive (Operations)

To deliver this ambitious action plan, a new Athena Swan team was appointed in 2020. The Athena Swan Implementation Group (ASIG) was also established to provide oversight, support and challenge for the implementation of the plan. Please contact our Athena Swan Team to see ASIG Terms of Reference and Membership List.

Athena Swan Bronze logo

Athena Swan Departmental/Faculty Bronze Awards

The following departments/faculty currently hold Bronze awards:

Science and Technology:

Arts and Social Sciences:

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Management School (awarded 2021)

Athena Swan silver logo

Athena Swan Silver Awards

The following department and faculty currently hold Silver awards:

  • Faculty of Science and Technology:
  • Faculty of Health and Medicine (awarded Bronze 2012, awarded Silver 2014 and renewed 2018, and 2024) Including Biomedical and Life Sciences, Health Research and Lancaster Medical School

Athena Swan Data Dashboards

The following dashboards have been created to support Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é departmental/Faculty Athena Swan Leads to access the data they require for their Athena Swan applications:


Athena Swan Staff Dashboards:









Get involved

To share your experiences or to find out how to get involved, please contact the Athena Swan Team

Athena Swan Team

Contact Us

If you have questions for the Athena Swan Team please do not hesitate to get in touch