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Impact and Good Practice
Considering how people may be affected differently by our plans, decisions and activities and taking any necessary remedial action to address this is an essential part of making inclusion a reality for all at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é.

Advance HE Good Practice Initiatives
Advance HE have compiled a new evidence-based Good Practice Database for those working to advance gender and race equality in higher education through Athena SWAN and the Race Equality Charter (REC). The searchable database aims to celebrate the breadth of gender and race equality initiatives taking place across the higher education sector and to provide Advance HE members with practical ideas and encourage them to trial new initiatives adapted to their contexts. The initiatives are drawn from a recent analysis of selected successful applications.
EDI in Practice: Guidance for Managers and Heads of Department
What does EDI mean in practice? This workbook has been created for managers and heads of department to provide guidance to some of the terminologies that are frequently discussed in conversations about EDI, and also to provide information on some of Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é’s policies that might be useful in the future, such as:
- The responsibilities of an employer, line manager and institution with regard to implementing EDI in the workplace;
- What good practice and poor practice can look like, and the impacts they can have;
- The importance of trust, respect, confidentiality and consent when talking about these matters with your team members.
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team invites all managers and Heads of Department to complete, promote, encourage and discuss our EDI eLearning short courses within their teams as well as part of the PDR process.

Equality Impact Assessments
All of our staff have a role to play in making Lancaster a fairer and more inclusive place for our staff, students, visitors and the wider University community. We also have a legal duty to advance equality as part of the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010. We are currently updating our guidance on how to carry out an equality impact assessment (EIA) to improve our approach and to ensure that we take an inclusive approach with all of our work and fulfil our legal duties. The revised guidance will be available shortly. Please contact for further details.
Useful resources:
- (Advance HE)
More News
We know that there is a lot of great EDI work being done around Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é by staff, students and the many fantastic groups and networks we have. We would love to share your news and events to make sure that the work you are doing gets noticed and shared as widely as possible. So we have set up an official EDI news and events channel and tag. Next time you arrange an event or submit a post or news article, make sure to use the tag "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion" and help us share your work.